Every family needs a place to call home. A place where they can dream, grow and become part of their community. But for many families, no matter how hard they work, having a home of their own will never be a reality. That is why Habitat for Humanity was created.
This innovative program does not give away homes, but provides a way for hard-working medium and lower income families to own homes in a market where housing is beyond their financial reach.
Habitat for Humanity partners with the community to provide affordable housing and no-profit, zero-percent interest mortgages to families. New homeowners and volunteers build and rehabilitate simple, decent houses under the supervision of trained homebuilders. Individuals, corporations and many others provide much needed financial support.
Habitat is a hand up, not a hand out. Each potential homeowner
• Makes a down payment
• Makes monthly mortgage payments
• Invests hundreds of hours of their own labor–sweat equity-into building
their house and the houses of others
In addition all Habitat families are required to attend education classes including consumer credit, budgeting, home maintenance and estate planning.
Habitat brings stability, pride and self worth to hard working families through home ownership by providing some measure of control over a basic element of life, shelter.
The finances of a working family are improved by gaining equity. This control and sense of investment in the community are crucial to breaking the attitude and cycle of poverty.
Is a retail outlet where quality used and surplus building materials are donated. Products are then sold at below retail prices. Proceeds from ReStore help fund Habitat for Humanity. It also reduces the amount of materials sent to the local landfill.
For more information or to donate material to the ReStore contact Bill or Stephanie 801-263-0136 ext 200 or email at restore @habitatsaltlake.com.
2011 Charity Code for Habitat for Humanity is 3546
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little. ~Edmund Burke
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