Friday, October 14, 2011

The Utah Council of the Blind (UCB)

The UCB sends teams of teachers/trainers into the community to help people who have lost their sight or who are losing their sight. They teach them to remain independent in their homes. These teams have both a blind and a sighted member.

These people are located and given assistance with marking appliances, acquiring magnifying devices, networking with community services and learning to use a cane to move safely about the home and yard. They have learned where to find treatment for eye diseases and have been referred to independent living centers and Vocational Rehabilitation services to receive training to return to work.

One team worked with a teenager to teach her how to pour water without spilling it and how to tie her shoes. These are all things she should have learned years before. The ten teams have had a great impact on individuals who have retreated into their homes to be recluses or who had thought life was over for them.

A great benefit of this project is the fact that ten people with sight loss have also found jobs as members of these teams. Thanks to all who donate to make these and other programs like these possible.

For more information, check our website at

Utah State Library Blind Services

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