Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Christmas Box House


The Christmas Box House provides temporary shelter and assessment services for children up to the age of eleven who have been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. Instead of spending the night in less comfortable circumstances, they are able to arrive at the House where the staff is immediately available to talk to them and explain what is happening, what will happen, and why. The House staff provide a sense of caring, warmth and continuity at a very difficult time in a child's life. The children receive mental, emotional, and physical help until an appropriate placement has been set up or until their environment at home is safe.

I have worked personally with the staff at the CBH. Six years ago two of my grandchildren were removed from their home and placed in the CBH. They were there for six weeks before I was able to take custody and adopt them. They still talk about their experience and the care and counseling they received at a very frightening and traumatic time.

Thank you, Christmas Box House for taking care of my grandchildren and for being there for all the other children who are in need of a loving safe environment.

For ongoing volunteer opportunities please go to: and click on "Volunteer"

The 2011 Charity Code for The Christmas Box House is 1090.

If anyone has an experience with any charities they would like to share or would like to spot light one of them, please let me know. The approved list of charities are at

"The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker." -Helen Keller

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